Join one of Pedal Certified Personal Trainers as we focus on all aspects of fitness. Each person has different needs and progress isn’t the same for everyone. We will design a workout plan to get you to your goal. We specialize on weight loss, body building, athletic training and rehabilitation after weight loss surgery.  Our goal is to get you healthy and strong both mentally and physically. Training is either at our studio or at a location of your choice. 

SINGLE - $65

8 SESSIONS - $450

12 SESSIONS - $600





Studio Director, Certified Personal Trainer & A.C.E/Schwinn Certified Fitness Instructor with over 16 years experience. Andrew, brings excitement to rhythm based cycling with a fast paced workout designed to keeping you thriving. Expect to see your body change and develop with his SPIN & SCULPT workouts taking weights off the bike to give you a total-body workout unlike anything you have ever had.

Andrew's personal training program Is focused on total body wellness and rehabilitation. He is goal focused to help you achieve a lifestyle that is maintainable for everyday life. A workout doesn't need to be hard to be effective. The results will speak for themselves and you will see them FAST with his 30-day wellness program.  Email to schedule a free 30-min consultation.





Jennifer has 13+ years of experience in the fitness community. A majority of that time has been spent instructing in various fields such as Spin, Yoga, Running and Personal Training; with a specialized interest in Pre and Post Natal Fitness.

Not only does this type of training aid in the labor process but after delivery as well. This type of training has been noted to help circulation, mobility and strength during pregnancy.

In practice she enjoys the use of body weights, resistance bands and agility strength training.




Join one of our pedal instructors at the studio for a PRIVATE TRAINING SESSION. Learn more about proper form & technique all while pushing you beyond your boundaries to get you stronger and more confident on the bike.  

SINGLE - $40

Health & Lifestyle Coaching

There are so many products on the market these days. The options are overwhelming. Your body type and health issues could be discouraging. You’re not alone! Meet with Health and Lifestyle Coach, Andrew Gubany. Get a free 30-minute consultant on what foods, Products and supplements are best to fuel your lifestyle and help you achieve optimal health.


Book your personalized training sessions today!

For questions, please email us at